Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847) was the first settled Congregational minister of the small village of Blue Hill. Fisher was also an artist, farmer, scientist, mathematician, surveyor, and writer of prose and poetry.
Today, at the charming homestead he designed in 1814 for his growing family, you may see the life’s work of this "Versatile Yankee." The house contains remarkable survivals from the Fisher era.
Selected Jonathan Fisher Memorial images:
Prism, Blue Hill, ca. 1790
Children's Desk with secret drawer, Blue Hill, ca. 1800
Inkwell, Ink Bottle, Wood Cut Block, Blue Hill, ca. 1800
Pear tree through children's kitchen window, Blue Hill, ca. 1840
Bluehill Light Infantry Back Pack, Blue Hill, ca. 1812
Confession letter from Dolly Fisher, Blue Hill, 1830.
Eben Carleton letter seeking forgiveness, Blue Hill, 1829
Survey plot, Cambridge Commons, 1792
Giles Webber's store, Blue Hill, 1889
Long Island School, District #12 Blue Hill, ca. 1890
Brown & McAllister Granite Quarry, Blue Hill Bay, ca. 1890
Mr. and Mrs. Butler's house, Blue Hill, ca. 1890